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Importance level
Panel of Judges
Committee (3)
Judgment Date
Date of Application
(Čl. 6) Pravo na pravično suđenje (Ima povrede)
(P1-1) Zaštita imovine (Ima povrede)
Application Numbers
Verdict/resolution view

European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is 23. January 2025. brought, and 13. February announced the verdict in the case in the same year Ivić against Serbia, No. 17871/23.

The verdict isunanimously broughtThe three-member committee.

The applicant submitted to the court 21. April 2023. year by complaining of the violation of the right of the article6.attitude 1 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter: the Convention) and Article 1. Protocol No. 1 with the Convention, due to the non-execution of the domestic court decision, made in its benefit against the social / state enterprise.

The Court has already previously identified injury in terms of circumstances similar to those in this case in the leadR. Kacapor, etc. against Serbia, No. 2269/06 and 5 more dr.

Considering all available documentation, the Court concluded that the authorities did not invest all the necessary efforts to fully and conduct their decision in favor of the applicant.

Consequently, the Court found a violation of Article 6. Paragraph 1 of the Convention and Article 1. Protocol number 1.

Applying Article 41 of the Convention, the Court isobliged the Republic of Serbia to pay the amount of the amount of1.000 euros In the name of compensation of intangible damage and 250 euros in the name feee tRoshova and expenditures. Also, the Court obliged the Republic of Serbia to ensure the implementation of the mentioned unemployed court decision within three months.

Related cases/References
Decisions made at the domestic level which preceded the application to the ECHR
закључак Привредног суда у Краљеву Ст. 1/2016 од 6. јула 2016. године
решење Уставног суда Уж-7211/2021 од 7. децембра 2022. године
Standard supervision
Specific Measures
Naknada nematerijalne štete (U toku)
Naknada materijalne štete (U toku)
Naknada troškova pred Sudom (U toku)
General Measures
(U toku)
Action Plan/Report
Action Plan/Report sent
CM Decisions
Final Resolution