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  • Republic of Serbia representative before
  • European Court of Human Rights


In the period from June 11 to 13, 2024, in Strasbourg, Republic of France, was held 1501st meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (hereinafter: the Committee of Ministers) which is dedicated to the supervision of the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human
European Court of Human Rights(hereinafter: Court)has released a new versionRules of Court which includeschanges rule 39. on temporary measures.Changeswere adopted at the plenary sessionCourt February 23, 2024 years after consultation with the contracting parties and relevant stakeholders.Stopof
It was handed over on February 12, 2024Report on the work of the Department for Representation of the Republic of Serbia before the European Court of Human Rights for the year 2023 and will be an integral part of the annual report on the work of the State Prosecutor's Office