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Notice of judgments and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights published in January 2025. years against the Republic of Serbia

European Court for human rights (hereinafter: the Court) is in the period from 1. to 31.January 2025. published 3 judgments and 5 decisions Against the Republic of Serbia.

All judgmentsand The decisions made a three-member committee.

In judgmentLakatos and the other,The Court found a violation of the Material and Procedural Aspect of Article 3 in the Fourth Applicant. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Basic Freedoms (hereinafter: the Convention) due to the treatment of police officers according to him and the lack of effective investigation on this issue. In terms of all applicants, the Court determined the right trial due to the consequence of the conviction at extended recognitions of two applicants, as well as a violation of the right to trial due to excessive duration before the Constitutional Court.

The court is in the judgmentVasilev found a violation of Article 6. paragraph 1. of the Convention, because the applicant is not enabled to dispute the specific charges or to hold a public hearing before the administrative court, while in the judgmentSimic (No. 9172/21, of14. January 2025 years) found a violation of Article 8 of the Convention, because The explanation of orders on supervision and recording of telephone and other talks and communications with other technical means did not contain a detailed assessment whether the use of secret surveillance was necessary and justified in the circumstances.

The court declared the appointment in unacceptable in one decision and rejected for obvious unfoundation (Miodrag Mirkovski and Dr.), in a decision, he rejected the application by assessing thatThe applicants did not suffer significant damage (Milenko Mišić and AD Freight transport Pine), While in three decisions of the applicationtook off from my item list (In 1 subject assessing that they are not further justifiably considered the application -E.B,and in 2 items by accepting friendly alignments -Dragan Stevanovic and 7 Dr.. andSvetlana Milutinović. The objects in which friendly settlements have been concluded relate to a well-established court practice (so-called.WECL - Well-established Case-Law), These alignments were concluded in order to reduce the total costs In court and consequently less payments from budget funds. All these items follow the court's practice from the verdictLilic et al. against Serbia(No. 16857/19 and 43001/19, from 14. January 2021. years), according to which the duration of the bankruptcy proceedings over social or state-owned enterprises over one year over one year.