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European Courtfor human rights (hereinafter: Court) is in the period from September 1 to 30, 2023, published two judgments and five decisions against the Republic of Serbia. Of the two judgments, one was rendered by the Chamber (Radio broadcasting company B92 AD v. Serbia), and the other Board
The representative of the Republic of Serbia before the European Court of Human Rights, Zorana Jadrijević Mladar, participated in the Third Annual Nordic Forum on the Rule of Law, which was held on September 29, 2023 in Stockholm, Kingdom of Sweden, organized byCivil Rights Defenders.The Nordic Rule
In the period from September 19 to 21, 2023, in Strasbourg, Republic of France, was held1475. meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (hereinafter: the Committee of Ministers) which is dedicated to the supervision of the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human
At the plenary administrative session, the European Court decided to start work on a thematic basisBoard of Immigration Cases.This Committee will decide on the cases of all member states signatories to the Convention, which are related to immigration issues and which fall under the well-established
Judgment Nikolić v. Serbia, number 15352/11.
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