The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is on September 10, 2024. year, and on October 3 of the same year announced the decision in the case Galic against Serbia, number 12543/18.It's a decisionpassed unanimouslythree-member Board.The case refers to an untimely submitted request for the amendment of an individual act-solutions - basedog on legal provisions that were later
The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is on September 3, 2024. year, and on September 26 of the same year announced the decision in the case Nataša Rajković against Serbia, number 34505/16.It's a decisionbroughto three-member Board.The case refers to the alleged failure to provide adequate medical assistance to a person deprived of liberty who died while serving a prison
The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is on September 3, 2024. year, and on September 26 of the same year announced the decision in the case British Airways PLCagainst Serbia, number76581/16.It's a decisionbroughtthree-member Board.The case refers to the payment of compensation for damages caused by a plane crash in 1976.The applicant company complained that it was not able
The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is on May 21 and27. August 2024. year, and on September 19 of the same year announced the decision in the case S. B. and others. against Serbia, number 22463/17.It's a decisionpassed unanimouslylo seven-member Council.The case relates to the living conditions and freedom of movement of the applicants during their stay in the Reception
(Čl. 8-1) Poštovanje porodičnog života (Ima povrede)
Lead case
Advanced supervision
Action Plan/Report sent
The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is11. passed on June 2024, and on July 2 of the same year announced the verdict in the caseKostic against Serbia, number 31530/20.It's a verdictbroughto three-member Board.The case refers to the non-enforcement of the applicant's right to contact with his son, as established by a final judgment from 2009 (violation of the right from
(Čl. 37-1-c) Dalje ispitivanje predstavke nije opravdano (N/A)
(Čl. 34) Pojedinačne predstavke (Ima povrede)
Lead case
Action Plan/Report sent
The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is on 30 May 2024. passed, and on June 20, 2024, announced the verdict in the case Antić against Serbia, number 41655/16.It's a verdictpassed unanimouslyo three-member Board.The case relates to the extradition of the applicant to the United States of America (hereinafter: USA) and the failure of the Republic of Serbia to comply with Rule
The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is28. made in May 2024, and on June 20 of the same year announced the decision in the case Marina Lazović against Serbia, number 58721/16.It's a decisionbroughto three-member Board.The case refers to the application of regulations in misdemeanor proceedings in which the applicant was found guilty of driving a motor vehicle for which
European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is 14. May 2024 brought, and 6. June 2024. published a decision in case Krsta Gigić and Milka Gigić against Serbia, No. 27722/17.The decision isunanimouslyo The three-member committee.Item was communicated as the Republic of Serbia asa case of influence(Impact Case).Item refers to complaints of applicantshurt right tofair trial, to respect
European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is9. April brought, a30. April 2024. year posted the verdict in the caseBOšnjčkiagainst Serbia, which determined a violation of the right to a fair trial referred to in a member6. paragraph 1. KOnvices for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms (In the following text: Convention).The verdict unanimously brought the board of
On April 18, the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) made, and on May 23, 2024, announced the decision in the case And others. against Serbia, number 37478/16.The decision was made by a three-member Board.The case refers to the intended removal of a Libyan family from the territory of the Republic of Serbia, which was considered to be a threat to national security based on
The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) is4. made on April 25, 2024 and announced the decision in the caseBorislava Poštic against Serbia, number 44173/16.The decision was made by a three-member Board.The case refers to the applicant's complaint that she failed to realize the right to family disability benefits after the death of her husband, which occurred during the
(Čl. 35-3-a) Zloupotreba prava na predstavku (N/A)
(Čl. 35-4) Odbijanje predstavke u svakoj fazi postupka (N/A)
Lead case
On March 7, the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) made, and on March 28, 2024, announced the decision in the casePerisic against Serbia (number 8648/21).The decision was made by a three-member Board.In the petition, the applicant complained about the violation of the right to a trial within a reasonable time from Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Convention, due to the delayed
On March 5, the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) issued a decision in the case, and on March 28, 2024, it announcedMomčilović v. Serbia (number 44530/18).The decision was made by a three-member Board.The case refers to the issue of violation of the right to life from Article 2 of the Convention, in the context of the state's positive obligation to conduct an effective
(Čl. 34) Ometanje vršenja prava predstavke (Ima povrede)
Lead case
Advanced supervision
Action Plan/Report not needed
On February 13, the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: the Court) issued a verdict and on March 5, 2024, it announced in the subjectBoskocevic against Serbia, nooh 37364/10, with which he established the violationrights on individualapplicationfromArticle 34. KConventions for the protection of human beings rights and fundamental freedoms (hereinafter: the Convention), while the
European Court of Human Rights(hereinafter: Court) passed on January 16, 2024, and published on February 6, 2024 judgment in the caseĐurić v. Serbia, No. 24989/17, by which he established a violation of the rights referred to in Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Conventionfor the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms (hereinafter referred to as the Convention).The verdict was handed down
(Čl. 35-3-a) Zloupotreba prava na predstavku (N/A)
Lead case
European Court of Human Rights(hereinafter: Court) made a decision on February 1, and published a decision on the case on February 22, 2024Marjanović and 6 others. against Serbia.The decision was made by a three-member Court Committee.The applicants are the complainants in the petitionsli to the violation of the right to a fair trial from Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Convention for the Protection
European Court of Human Rights(hereinafter: Court) is January 23 brought,and on February 15, 2024, announced the decision in the caseČedomir Beljić and Miroljub Milinković and others. against Serbia, no. 3000/16 and 7189/16, by which he declared the petitions inadmissible.The decision was made unanimously by a panel of 7 judges.The case refers to the issue of violation of the right to a fair trial
Предмет се односи на на правичност кривичног поступка (прихватљивост доказа) у којем је кривица подноситељке утврђена искључиво на основу препознавање од стране жртве на главном претресу након што је полиција жртви већ показала само фотографије подноситељке и ничије више, и након што је жртва видела подноситељку у својству окривљене у судници. Суд је оценио да домаћи судови нису испоштовали два основна захтева кривичног права: (а) да је на тужилаштву да докаже кривицу окривљеног ван разумне сумње; и (б) начело in dubio pro reo којим се захтева да, услед постојања било какве сумње у погледу поузданости доказа, треба фаворизовати окривљеног, а не тужилаштво.
(Čl. 35-4) Odbijanje predstavke u svakoj fazi postupka (N/A)
Lead case
Предмет се односи на питање повреде права на живот из члана 2. Конвенције, у контексту позитивне обавезе државе да предузме мере којима ће спречити самоубиство или друге форме самоповређивања од стране појединаца лишених слободе. Суд је утврдио да државни органи у случају Б.Ђ, покојног супруга и оца подноситељки, на основу сазнања којима су располагали, нису могли знати да постоји ризик од самоубиства због чега би, у његовом случају, био спроведен посебан надзор од стране затворских службеника.
(Čl. 10-2) Neophodno u demokratskom društvu (Ima povrede)
(Čl. 41) Pravično zadovoljenje - opšte (N/A)
Lead case
Advanced supervision
Action Plan/Report not needed
Предмет се односи парнични поступак који је против подносиоца вођен по тужби бивше помоћнице министра здравља ради накнаде нематеријалне штете због повреде части и угледа. Повод тужбе је извештавање подносиоца о наводној корупцији приликом набавке вакцине AH1N1 у којем је поменута и тужиља као осумњичена за злоупотребу службеног положаја. Суд је утврдио да су домаћи судови признали да су информације које је подносилац објавио допринеле јавној расправи и да неко ко је помоћник министра треба да покаже већи степен толеранције. Међутим, по оцени Суда, домаћи судови су отишли предалеко у својим критикама на рачун провере чињеница од стране подносиоца. Подносилац је своје извештавање засновао на белешци коју је добио од полицијских службеника који су водили истрагу и није било сумње у њену веродостојност. Језик који је подносилац користио у извештавању је био одговарајући и подносилац је позвао све стране да изнесу своју верзију догађаја. Суд је утврдио да је, у целини, подносилац деловао у доброј вери и са пажњом која се очекује од одговорног новинарства. Стога је Суд утврдио да је подносиоцу повређено право из члана 10 Конвенције, јер је оценио да су домаћи судови прекорачили уско поље процене које им је дато ограничавањем дискусије о питањима од јавног интереса, те да нису успоставили правичну равнотежу између права из члана 8. и члана 10. Конвенције.